With the start of 2023 here, it’s time for a change. Time for an upgrade.
We’ve been in business 22 years now so I decided to revamp this site – and focus on what’s important.
Over the years, Investing Systems specialized in helping match traders with the right technology, tools and services – consistent with their individual situation and objective. The fact is – everyone is different when it comes to trading style and timeframe. Our principle objective has always been to recommend the most appropriate product or service to the customer – based on their investing style, timeframe, and objective.
Some people are hands-off long-term investors and some are hardcore day traders – and then there’s everything in between.
The two most important aspects of trading or investing are the least discussed:
1) How much time do you spend focused on the markets?
2) What is your timeframe?
I’ve been absorbed in the stock and futures markets from open to close every trading day – in front of 4-screens for almost two decades. Don’t misconstrue that as bragging, it’s simply “how involved I am with the markets”. I realize and completely understand why many (most) “participants” don’t have the time or desire to do that, after all, they have families and lives and “investments” have traditionally been thought of as more hands-off.
In recent years I’ve noticed a resurgence of more active traders, both in stocks and in Futures – that trade full-time. But even then, the important metric is “how many trades do you typically execute – and over what time frame? How many charts do you look through a day and what “style of trading” matches your proficiency with the time one has available to participate?
These are the questions I’ve always asked – to anyone that ever approached me for solutions.
The one consistent suggestion / tip that spans all trading styles and timeframes is: The chart tells the story – and how you should proceed going forward. Not following the charts over multiple timeframes, one is lost. Like driving without a GPS.
Speculate in the markets based on what you see transpiring on the chart – not based on any preconceived notion or bias. This is my belief as a technical analyst.
The key to the market is maintaining objectivity at all times
As I bring this new website to life I will be discussing various software products, tools and services for both traders and investors. Our goal has always been to help you find the right tools for the job – based on what you are looking to accomplish.
That’s exactly the type of information we will be providing here.
Feel free to take a look at the systems we currently offer. Perhaps one of them will suit your style.